Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Mirabal Family

On January 1, 2013, I had the pleasure of photographing a family that has become a second family to me.  They were my first photo shoot of the year, so it only seems appropriate to have them be the first featured set of photos.  We had scheduled this photo session before Thanksgiving, knowing that all the sisters would be in town.  Over the Christmas holiday, there was a surprise engagement for one of the sisters!  It was nice to be able to get a few shots of the newly engaged couple as well.

The Grandparents

Mother & Daughters

Mother & Daughter

The Newly Engaged Couple








Brothers & Sister

This Photo shows what a fun family they are!

Let's try this again

Hello all!!  I will be the first to admit that I am terrible about keeping up a blog.  This is my second attempt to create a blog for my photography, and I am hoping to stick with it.  I will try to post more often, and my goal is to learn how to perfect this blogging thing.  I look forward to sharing with you all!